
The curriculum will allow fellows to progress at their respective pace. Based on their prior experience and case load a process of mentoring and monitoring occurs to progress learning based on type and difficulty of cases. Evaluations are conducted semiannually to review case completion and also evaluate competencies, overall knowledge is assessed by observation and ability to satisfactorily perform case reviews and develop acceptable treatment plans.

Year 1- basic competencies in understanding endovascular imaging, stroke management and intervention and completion of a minimum of 100 diagnostic angiogram. Research protocol which initiations adding to their endovascular and stroke knowledge.

Year 2- Completion of sufficient cases in endovascular as outlined below to become proficient. Assumes a major role in all endovascular cases. Makes patient care plans in both stroke and endovascular treatment and the management of disease using the 6 competencies outlined by the GME.

  1. Patient Care.
  2. Medical Knowledge.
  3. Practice Based Learning and Improvement.
  4. Systems Based Practice.
  5. Professionalism.
  6. Interpersonal Skills Communication.

During the second year of fellowship, the senior year, they are expected to work as lead fellow in endovascular management of following pathologies.

  1. Aneurysms
  2. Arteriovenous malformation
  3. Atherosclerotic disease of the cervical vessels
  4. Occlusive vascular disease and acute infarction
  5. Intracranial neoplasms
  6. Vascular anomalies of the head and neck
  7. Neoplasms of the head and neck

In addition, when they have neurosurgical background, they will be expected to maintain their open surgical skill set by assisting in open cerebrovascular and bed side emergency procedures.

During both First year and second yr. of training they are expected to follow the 6 core competencies and continues active participation in research projects , manuscripts and research summaries for presentation at national meetings and publication in peer reviewed journals